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The family as the nucleus of the church is worth celebrating as the catholic diocese of Warri celebrates ‘family and human life unit’ and the opening of the Ultra modern Hall of the Holy Family Catholic Church, Edjeba . This year celebration which was held at Holy Family Catholic Church, Edjeba titled ‘family, work and celebration’ drew the attention of many parishioners in the diocese. The chaplain, family and human life unit, Rev. fr. Nicholas Djebah in his opening speech welcome all parishioners present and urged them to remember those who are in need of descent jobs, those who work in difficult conditions and the unemployed; those who cannot find job to keep sustaining their families and those who are retired. He also added that they should remember as well those who care and support the elderly, the sick and the disabled.

Dr. Mrs Veronica Ogbuagu presented a paper title ‘ The family yesterday, Today and Tomorrow’. In her speech she charged every family to teach and bring up their children in the way of God.

After the presentation, the Holy Mass began at 11:00am. The concelebrated Holy Mass had in attendance the Bishop, Most Rev. John Oke Afareha ( Bishop of Warri Diocese), Vicar General, Very Rev. Fr. (Col.) Martin Akusu (Rtd) and many other priests, Rev. Sisters, Catechist and the laity.

Bishop in his homily laid emphases strongly on the life of the family. He said that the family is the domestic church: the church is built up by the family and vice visa. For him, the family should teach their children the way of the lord in their home. He added that if the children are brought up in the way of the lord, the society will move forward in the right direction. He admonished the children to honour their parents that their days may be long and that their prayers would be heard when the pray.

Shortly after the Holy Mass, there was an amazing reception in honour of the diocesan day celebration filled with entertaining cultural dance, followed by match pass by various parishes showcasing their talents. Awards were presented to the outstanding parishes, pupils and students from different schools. The celebration came to a close with a prayer said by Very Rev. Fr. (Col.) Martin Akusu Rtd.

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