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It was all fun and excitement as the Warri Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Organization (WADCCWO) held her annual Open Day, with the inclusion of exhibitions by the deaneries for the first time.

The event started with the Holy Mass celebrated by the Parish Priest of St. Mathias Catholic Church, Uzere, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Obadjere and the CWO Diocesan Chaplain, Very Rev. Fr. Magnus Alim. Rev.Fr. Obadjere in his homily enlightened the women about the life and times of St. Claire whose feast was being celebrated that day. St. Claire was just 15 years old when she left all her earthly possessions for a life in the convent. Rev.Fr. Obadjere thereafter advised Catholic women to take their problems and issues of concern to God in prayer rather than gossiping. We should also strive to bring up our children in line with our Catholic faith.

The second phase of the day’s event commenced with welcome formalities by the Host deanery, followed by various traditional dances performed by all parishes of Oleh deanery. At the end of these entertainments, the Diocesan President Lady Fidelia Akusu, read out the comprehensive Annual Report of her stewardship for the period August 2011-July 2012. This was followed by the detailed Financial Report read out by the Diocesan Treasurer, Lady M.I.U. Ossai. The Uniform Committee Chairman, Mrs P.U. Anira also gave the committee’s report for the period.

At the end of the presentations, members expressed appreciation to the Executive for the good work done. There were also questions asked and answers/explanations given. The Diocesan Chaplain appreciated the executive for their transparency and prudent management of resources especially at this point in time when the outer society is in dire need of transparent leaders.

Finally was the exhibition by the seven deaneries, each with its own stand displaying the rich cultural heritage of their locality. This turned out to be more of a food fair with a variety of farm products and dishes ranging from the traditional bean soup, various corn meals, coconut rice, banga soup with starch, akpu and vegetable soup, pepper soup spices, cassava products, etc. At the end of the exhibition, Ughelli Deanery took the 1st position, Effurun Deanery 2nd position and Oleh Deanery 3rd.

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