The promise and fail dilemma in Nigeria Politics 

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By Fr. Jude Igho, St. Michael Parish Umutu, Delta State


As the 2019 general election draws closer, what immediately comes to my mind is the litany of promises made by politicians to the electorates in order to gain their votes but then fail to fulfill such promises.


This account for much reasons why there are no or little development and on the other hand increase in crime rate of all sort in the society. With this incessant experience, many are now in state of confusion without knowing which candidate to vote or support both from the federal level to the local.



It is the case because, many of those who present themselves for elective positions especially at the federal level are the same old politicians who have been in governance for over twenty five to thirty years without making any positive impact in the life of the masses and nation despite the huge resources available at their disposal. Thus, it has been the story of corruption demonstrated in the looting of the public treasury.



As we know, human wants are insatiable, and as a result of that, most of these old politicians always aspire and in a desperate manner to return to power so that they can continue from where they stopped. The question we at this point need to ask ourselves is if they should be allpwed? We must not allow this to happen at all. We should have learn our lessons by now and also from past election where juicy promises were made, but little did we know that the change was not for our good, but rather to put us in more pains and sorrow as a result of what we experienced such as killing, hunger, poverty and starvation due to lack of jobs, electricity and pipe borne water to drink. Worse still is the insecurity faced by the nation, a situation where  kidnapping rate has gone so high, yet there is still a propaganda of better life ahead.





They do this because, for them a nation like ours that has been bastardised for many years cannot be fixed in just fours years. But they promised to do the wonder in four years. The only glaring good thing which some also say is sectional is the fight against corruption. Even this fight has not cut across all parties, hence some called it selective justice. Besides, where is the retrieved looted money and what has it been used for?





With the above experience, the question that is begging for an answer is, how many of those seeking for an electoral position are sincere, selfless and ready to serve the nation to lift her from this present sorry state?




The recent past experience of some States election and  parties primary shown that some candidates are coming to serve themselves and political gods fathers, hence the attitude of the “do and die affair ” This is why we still hear of imposition of candidates without due process especially in some states primary held. This has caused a great disaffection and may likely lead to further decamping of some politicians to other political party. If there is no justice in the process of election especially at the primaries, what will happen at the general election come 2019? This makes it more compounding as some people are already skeptical over the credibility of the forth coming election.



While some have made up their mind not to vote for fear of insecurity, others are of the view that their vote may not count. If the government of the day and those seeking for electoral position are sincere and have the interest of the citizens at heart, then they will keep to their good promises and also follow a transparent process in which they will be voted for as leaders. Also if they are truly going there to represent the people, it won’t be a ” do or die” affairs” Then concede to whoever wins the election as former President Jonathan did.



Now, who and where is that politician who will make a promise and fulfil it?. Find out for yourself. But the time has come for Nigerians to avoid being bought over by selfish politicians that share money or intimidate people so as to be voted for and afterwards abandoned them. The same apply to those who will come with different manifesto that have no bearing, not achieveable or feasible but just to bamboozoled the people and manipulate them to vote for them. When they have failed in office or when out of office, they move from one political party to another to take shelter for fear of being prosecuted.



Unfortunately, the political parties also have there own problems as they quickly receive and absorbed decampees or those who cross carpeted from other parties. Oh! Nigerians! Is this how to serve our Fathers’ land with love and strength and Faith?



As patriotic Nigerians, we should exercise our franchise no matter what, and vote for those we know by conscience will serve us fulfilling at least to a greater extent the good promises they made. Staying from election will not help our nation rather give more room for the selfish and greedy politicians to rigged the election   Against this back dropped, all should arise when the time comes to heed the call to vote God fearing leaders who will lead us in the way of peace ,love and Justice.

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