South-West province of Holy Ghost Congregations Ordains 2 in Warri

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By Godwin Utuedoye,


WARRI- TWO deacons of the Congregation of the Holy Ghost CsSP, South-West Province Nigeria, Reverend’s John Mammah and Stephen Okolowani having successfully past through the formation process and training into the Catholic priesthood after about ten years, were on Saturday, July 7, 2018 at the Annunciation Catholic Church Ogunu, Warri ordained Catholic priest by Most Rev. John Oke’Oghene Afareha, Catholic Bishop of Warri Diocese.

Being a privilege and gift, family members, friends, well wishers and Catholic faithful, priests of the Holy Ghost Congregation as well as other priests from Warri and other dioceses were on hand to celebrate with the deacons.


In his homily, the ordaining prelate, Most Rev. John Afareha reminded the ordinands, Rev. John Mammah and Rev. Stephen Okolowani that ordination to the Catholic priesthood is a service to God and to God’s people. He noted that as a priest, their mission is to serve God faithfully and to feed His people spiritually with spiritual food of love, care and prayers.


Bishop Afareha averred that the basic characters of a shephered is to love the people entrusted to him and carter for their well being both physically and spiritually. He adds that; the faithful are also expected to support the priest with their prayers, kindness and love so that the priest can fervently and faithfully carter for the flocks entrusted in his care.


Bishop Afareha further stated that the priest, must first of all be a man who love Jesus Christ, believe in Him faithfully and love His people, because the joy and happiness of the people he pastor will determine his happiness.


The prelate further charged the newly ordained deacon to always study the Church’s documents and make it their companion and standard and adhered to the holy teachings of the church.


He called on them to focus on their vocation and keep their vows of obedience, poverty and chastity tenaciously, noting that keeping the vows faithfully draws the priest closer to God and the people, stating that the faithful look up to the priest whom they believe is a mediator between them and God. In his words, “the faithful have gathered to witness your ordination because they know the importance of a priest, as without a priest, there will be no Eucharist.”


                                    Newly ordained priests dancing

                                   to the altar for thanksgiving




He admonished them not to allow the world around them define their priesthood and control their way of life.


Highpoint of the ordination Mass was the laying on of hand on the two candidates by the ordaining bishop, Most Rev. John Oke’Oghene Afareha and this was followed by the priests present.


While thanking the bishop of Warri diocese, the provincial Superior of the Holy Ghost Nigeria Very. Rev. Fr. Obinna Cssp, expressed his gratitude to the bishop for finding time to come and for presiding over the ordination Mass. He also thanked all those who could find time to attend the ordination and as well congratulated those ordained as he prayed God to see them through in their priestly vocation.


There was a special thanksgiving offered by the newly ordained priests who were joined by their family members, friends and well-wishers.

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