Security: Panacea to free, fair and credible election:  INEC  and the 2019 General Election in Nigeria

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By Rev. Fr. Jude Igho, St. Michael Parish, Umutu

IN no distant time, the 2019 general election with over sixty political parties participating and contesting for one political office or the other will come, but the big question that come to mind is, are Nigerians security guaranteed. 


To contestants or aspirants, some have come out with their blue prints claiming to have the best of programmes and policies that will better the life of the citizens, but with different manifestoes which may not be so new to the citizens.




In their desperations to grab political powers, they have implore different campaigns strategies, social media experts hired and the internet floored with different propangandas and lies causing different kinds of tensions and glamour as every political party wants to win.


On the other hand, the chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, Prof. Mahamood Yakubu has promised Nigerians and the different political parties a free,  fair and credible election in conjunction with the new Inspector General of Police, Abubakar Adamu.


Inspite of all the promises and assurance, one can as well read the handwriting on the wall. Moods tensed up, bearing in mind the verbal attack and counter attack of political parties coupled with hate speeches.


There are also signs of readiness for vote buying by most political aspirants and parties as well as financial inducement, intimidation and threats from different groups and persons. Attacks on political party campaign convoys, rallies, and destruction of political opponents or opposition parties bill boards and many more.



It is also glaring that most of these contestants may not be ready or prepapred to accept defeat rather only with the mindset of ‘I must win’.



The above few points could prompt one to assume or conclude, that the 2019 election may not be different from previous ones of do or die affairs  to some candidates. Such persons will be ready to do anything to win the elections.



On this premise, the question of security as a key factor to free, fair and credible election is asked.



In some civilized clime that values human life, properties and peace, security of life is one of the major duty of leaders and those in power; ironically, in Nigeria some acclaimed leaders want and are much ready to get into office without considering the safety of those they intend to lead. They issue threats, gave utterances that suggest violence in the event of them losing the election.



This implies that they will not accept any result that does not favour them  so what will they do in event of their failure? You can best imagine it. This has already put fear and tension in the minds of some electorate who have made up their mind not to come out to vote, or may come to vote but quickly ran back home without staying back to defend their vote by staying a distance from the polling unit  to watch the process leading to the announcement of the winners.



It is so because to them, their lives is not worth losing for the sake of any contestant or the election as a whole. But for others, their vote will not even count since some candidates have concluded they must Win even when we have not voted. One begin to wonder if such persons intend to serve the people or themselves or even see Politics as the service of peace. There can not be free  fair and credible election without peaceful environment or atmosphere, hence election cannot hold in any where there is violence.



This is where the government of the day must not compromise security at all in whatsoever form. But must go all out to work harder to guarantee the safety of the lives and properties of the citizens.To this end, all security agencies must wake up to their responsibilities  under the new Inspector General of Police who has promised Nigerians that he will redeem the image of the Nigeria police by the principle of equity and justice following the rule of the game. In the same manner, the Independent National Electoral Commission INEC, must be impartial in her duties with all its commissioners and agencies in order to have free, fair and credible election as the world is also watching us as a nation.


Our Traditional rulers and Church leaders also have important role to play as they too should continue to educate and encourage their subjects to desist from violence or being used as thugs  to caused mayhem before, during and after the elections. Besides, all political parties and theirs leaders should tread with caution so as not to tear the country apart as a result of their selfish ambition.



They should  rather be reminded of the Abuja’s peace Accord pact they signed and to uphold it. By this, the result of the election should be accepted by all, irrespective of whichever political party that wins or fail because the people have spoken. It should be sounded on every one’s ears that power comes from God through the people, as such all should come out emasse to vote for the candidates of their choice from their good conscience without fear of intimidation or harassment. Nigeria is our homeland, so we should brace up to savor it from poverty, insecurity and corruption demonstrated in tyranny and authoritarianism by our vote.



Our failure to vote will increase the chances of rigging the election to bring in ungodly leaders. However, any persons or group that forces themselves on the people should be ready to face the consequences of the wrath of God as such people will known no peace because  Nigerians will resist such  action. No one remains in power forever ,hence some Africa leaders who attempted such action did not find it wonderful rather ended shamefully. Thus to be fore warm is to be fore armed.

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