Righteous Life: Key To Transformation Of Nigeria

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By Rev. Fr. Jude Igho, Pastor Of St. Michael Catholic Church Umutu, Delta State, Nigeria

The Scottish proverb which says ” If wishes were horses, beggars would ride”, best suit my illustration or vivid description of the Nigerian situation.
The rational behind my saying this, is because Nigeria have turned 59 years as an independent state come October 1, 2019, but yet the citizens still live and experience abject poverty arising from unemployment, poor management of resources, bad government and absolute corruption.
The employed such as the civil servants both federal and state, are poorly remunerated such that their take home can not take care of their basic needs.
In the midst of these quagmire, politicians whose academic qualifications maybe lower and may not be contributing something meaningful to the development of the economy, goes home with fabulous pay including different allowances such as wardrobe allowances, furniture allowances, newspaper allowances, sitting allowances, travelling allowances, fuel allowances and even transport allowances and many more.
The dichotomy between the civil servants and the politicians is so much that it is now scandalous, oppressive, injusticiable. The cost of running  governance is so high that it now affects the governed negatively.
For instance, our roads are all in a sorry state. Travelling through many roads in Nigeria is such a nightmare and this has opened room for insecurity as hoodlums now take advantage of these to unleash mayhem on innocent travellers and road users.
Hundreds of lives and properties have been wasted as a result of failed roads and  poor quality of construction done by contractors in Nigeria. We often hear of how robbers laid siege on bad spots in major roads to rob, kidnap and kill innocent Nigerians on daily basis.
Travelling through the Warri-Benin axis of the East-West road is a clear testimony of the attitude of our leaders. What about Auchi-Okene-Abuja road? These but a few to mention.
The educational and health sector is not left out. It has also failed as many Nigerians still travel abroad to access  health services and facilities, while many still send their children and wards to study abroad after 59 years of Independence. It is a clear indication that Nigeria is still a failed state. Little wonder our youths no longer seek white colour jobs,  but want to travel abroad for a better life.
This experience again is  not palatable as we now have xenophobic attack, human trafficking and organ harvesting. The quest to travel abroad has open door for sharp business as fake agents now collect huge sum of money from unsuspecting victims that are eager to run away from a country they see and described as unsafe, corrupt and retrogressive, but such agents fail in providing visa for them.
As the litany of these ills continue, those at  the helm of affairs in their fictitious speeches will say, “we are not doing badly”, buttressing their speeches with self encouragement that our suffering did not begin in their regime nor their tenure.
On the other hand, religious leaders and  believers keep asking that we pray for a better  Nigeria, which is good, but can Nigeria grow without concrete action or a righteous life? The only key to transform this nation Nigeria is righteousness, sincerity and honesty.
Though Nigerians are so perfect and brilliant in analysing our predicament and making good suggestions on the way forward or how all of us can move the country forward when on national television or on the pages of national newspapers, but yet we have failed to put down the clothes of selfishness, greed and ethnicity which has eaten deep into all strata in Nigeria.
Worse still is the institution described as the last hope of the common man, the judiciary. This noble institution were justice, fairness and equity is expected to be given at all time, have been seemly hijacked by the power that be.
To this effect, the popular slogan of the poor gets poorer and the rich gets richer becomes a reality. Justice is now given to those who can afford to pay hugely. Sincerely, righteousness is the only key that can bring positive transformation.
But how  long shall we continue in the path of theoretical analysis without concrete action to put our nation in the right part of growth, development and peace?
Rhetorics of ‘we will do this or that or we are on top of the matter whereas they are under it ‘ has to be stopped and swing into concrete action of goodness and love. The only way out of our economic backwardness, insecurity and lack of basic infrastructure is to live a righteous life, ( Fear of God).
This means every one irrespective of our status and profession must have a positive change of attitude to do things rightly wherever we find ourselves, this is how we are at right with God. Righteousness is one attribute of God which concern our ethical conduct, (Lev.19:36; Deut. 25:1).
We should act always to be seen as right, correct and vindicated. St. Paul admonishes us to avoid vices that will and can retard our development and strive for righteousness, goodness, faith and love, endurance and gentleness, (2 Tim 2:22).
These will  bring about justice and peace and by extension development. It is high time we take to heart the golden rule in the administration of our Nation bearing in mind that what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Favouritism of one religion over another or a section of the nation over another or one occupation over another should be totally thrown away. It is equity, fare play and transparency in public and private sectors, that can move our nation forward .
The importance attached to wealth, ( ill-gotten wealth ) not meant for service of humanity should be down play since it becomes idolatry.

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