Torrents Of Tears Flow As Rev. Fr. Samuel Akuirene Is Laid To Rest

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By Godwin-Maria Utuedoye,

It was indeed a sorrowful moment for family members, relatives, the Itsekiri Catholic Community as well as the entire Catholic faithful in Warri Diocese as the mortal remains of Late Very Rev. Fr. Samuel Osagbunwa Akuirene, who died on July 8, 2020 is laid to rest on Wednesday, July 22, 2020.

Rev. Fr. Samuel Akuirene was ordained for the Catholic Diocese of Warri in 2002 and until his death, Very Rev. Fr. Osan as he was fondly called served the faithful of Warri at different capacities, parishes and he was the parish priest of St. Paul Catholic Church, Ekurede-Itsekiri in Warri.

The late priest who was described as a very humble, discipline priest, neat in body and heart, died after a very brief illness.

In a tribute by those who knew him, Rev. Fr. Osan was described as a neat, handsome, and someone who is always prepare for anything he is doing. “He has an exceptional smile that comes from his heart and just as he is neat outside, so he is neater inward”, one of the tribute stated.

According to his brother priests, they testify that the late Rev. Fr. Samuel Akuirene contributed immensely to the progress of the gospel of Christ and teachings of the Catholic faith as he work tirelessly for the growth of the diocese.

At the vigil Mass held on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 held at the deceased parish, Very Rev. Fr. Thaddeus Okpowodu the homilist, also described him as a thorough priest with great qualities of cleanliness, neatness and a pure heart of love, kindness and dedication. He said he was a selfless priest committed to his priestly and love for the work of God, but his sudden demise has left a vacuum in the diocese of Warri as he prayed for God consolation.

The funeral mass which was held at the pastoral centre Agbarho, were the priests cemetery is situated, had few number of priests, lay faithful, family members, friends and parishioners were the deceased worked until his demise.

In his remarks, Most Rev. John OkeOghene Afareha who was visibly sad, urged faithful to pray for the repose of the soul of Rev. Fr. Samuel Akuirene and expressed his condolence to the immediate family and the parishioners of St. Paul’s Parish, Ekurede-Itsekiri.

Delivering his homily at the solemn mass, Very Rev. Fr. Christian Igwe, the late priest classmate described him as a man who desire to give all for the proclamation of the gospel and an exceptional individual who was a rallying point in the diocese but urged faithful not to be wary as death cannot withstand the Tsunami of resurrection.

Also speaking, the diocesan chancellor, Very Rev. Fr. Clement Abobo on behalf of the entire diocese of Warri expressed his heart felt condolence to the bishop of the diocese, Most Rev. John OkeOghene Afareha, the family of Rev. Fr. Samuel Akuirene and the entire priests, religious and lay faithful of Warri.

Late Rev. Fr. Samuel Osangbuwa Akuirene was born on November 22, 1969. He was ordained priest on August 15, 2002 and died on July 8, 2020 after a brief illness at the age of 51.

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