Synergize with the Church- Fr. Ukutegbe urges Catholic Media Practitioners

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By Godwin Utuedoye,

Ahead of the forth coming World Communications Day, Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Benedict Ukutegbe, Director of Social Communications Catholic Diocese of Warri has called on all Catholic Media Workers to identify with the works of the Church by using their profession in proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ.


Speaking immediately after a crucial meeting of the Communication Commission in the diocese, Fr. Benedict disclosed that the theme will be; “We are members one of another. From Social Network Communities to the Human Community.”


He further stated that two resource persons will deliver the key paper on the theme of the 2019 World Communication Day before going into an interactive session.


Fr. Ukutegbe also revealed that the celebration will hold at the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Agbarho, near Warri in Delta State on June 1, 2019 at 11:00am.


Commenting on the attitudes of Catholic Media Workers in the diocese, Rev. Fr. Dr. Ukutegbe noted that, it is so absurd that very few are willing to identify with the commission and the Church . He added that whenever you call on them for any activity relating to communication, only few turn up inspite of the large number of Catholics working in both the print and electronic media.


He urged that the 2019 world communications day celebration is the unifying umbrella for all media workers in the diocese of Warri and to ensure that the Catholic Media Practioners Association of Nigeria CAMPAN, is fully established in the diocese. He appealed to all media workers to synergised with the directorate of social communications so that the work and faith of the church are projected positively in the media.


Consequently, he announced that following the diocesan celebration of Communications day on Saturday 1st of June, there would be a thanksgiving mass on Sunday June 2, 2019 at Sacred Heart Cathedral Warri to be presided over by the Bishop of Warri Diocese and thereafter a media chat and fellowship among all Catholic media practitioners.

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