Resolutions of the Catholic Media Practitioners Association of Nigeria (CAMPAN)

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Resolutions of the  Catholic Media Practitioners  Association of Nigeria (CAMPAN) after  a three-day Train-the -Trainers workshop on “Improving  Communication Strategy in The Catholic Media In Nigeria” from April 18, 2021 to April 21, 2021 at the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria(CSN) Resource Centre, Durumi, Abuja. We the members of CAMPAN express our appreciation to His Grace, Most Rev Ignatius Kaigama, the Archbishop of  the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja, the CBCN Bishop Chairman for Social Communications,  Most Rev. Denis Isizoh,  the Secretary General of the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria (CSN), Very Rev Fr Zacharia Samjumi,  for their contributions to the success of our workshop. We also appreciate our National Director of Social Communications at the CSN, Very Rev. Dr. Mike Nsikak Umoh,  Dr. Cletus Akwaya,  and  Otunba Jide-Fadugba Pinheiro, for their paper presentations. Having reflected on, discussed and identified the many challenges militating against the success of our diocesan social communications offices, we hereby make the following recommendations:
That our diocesan communications offices should engage  the services of experienced  and competent  personnel as editors and staff  of their newspapers, pay them commensurate  remunerations so as to improve the overall standard of our newspapers.
That our diocesan newspapers should improve on the contents of their articles by engaging in more researched reportage that  will make the paper more relevant to their potential readers.
That  they should always look for new angles to present their stories so that they are not stale when going to the press by conducting interviews with personalities on issues.
That our directorates should engage in capacity building for their staff in the use of  digital technology and also  in on-the-job training to enhance job efficiency.
That our seminaries should  include media education  in their curriculum as part  of building media culture that will prepare the seminarians for their future assignments as priests.
That the  Church in Nigeria through  the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria should consider  establishing  a Catholic Media Foundation that will be saddled with sourcing funds for  the training of media personnel and procurement of media equipment to assist dioceses.
That   diocesan  communications offices should  organise programmes and enter into partnership with local and international media organisations that will be beneficial to their staff.
That they should also consider the option of  investing in commercial printing  as well as diversifying into digital or e-paper productions to cut costs of circulations of  printed hard copies.
That they should have up to date websites that will generate traffic and attract various search engines such as goggle to place adverts there and thus generate income for them.
That Catholic newspapers should also endeavour to publish news items from other faith-based organisations to promote interreligious dialogue and co-operation. Signed Patrick Osu                                                                                          Peter Dada National President                                                                           National Secretary   

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