Pope Francis Renews Invitation to Prayer and Peace in Wake of New Zealand Attacks

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I’m close to our Muslim friends and to all that community’

Catholic Diocese of Warri, Nigeria- Pope Francis on March 17, 2019, renewed his prayers for the victims of the March 15, 2019, attack on two New Zealand mosques, calling for prayers for the victims and their families. At least 49 were killed and dozens injured in the attacks.


The Holy Father invited all to unite in prayer to oppose hatred and violence. His comments came after praying the noonday Angelus with the crowds of faithful pilgrims from around the world gather in St. Peter’s Square.


“Added in these days to the sorrow of the wars and conflicts, which don’t
cease to afflict the whole of humanity, is that of the victims of the horrible attack against two Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand,” the Pope said. “I pray for the dead and the wounded and their families. I’m close to our Muslim friends and to all that community. I renew the invitation to unite in prayer and, with gestures of peace, to oppose hatred and violence. Let us pray together, in silence, for our Muslim brothers who were killed.”

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