Papal Nuncio Visits Maiduguri, Dedicates New Cathedral Building, Commissions New Secretariat

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By Godwin Utuedoye, Warri

MAIDUGURI NIGERIA:- It was all joy and happiness in the hearts of the Bishop, Priests, Religious and Lay faithful of the Catholic Diocese of Maiduguri as they welcomed the Papal Nuncio to Nigeria, His Excellency, Archbishop Antonio Guido Filipazzi to the Diocese for the dedication of the new St. Patrick’s Cathedral and the new diocesan Secretariat.



Archbishop Fillipazzi who arrived at the Maiduguri International Airport, was warmly received by the Bishop of Maiduguri Diocese, Most Rev. Oliver Dashe Doeme and joind by Bishop of Bauchi Diocese, Most Rev. Hillary Nanman Dachelem CMF, alongside some faithful, CAN President, other CAN officials, Priests and Religious.

Archbishop Antonio Guildo Fillipazzi about cutting the tape

On his arrival, the Papal Nuncio paid a courtesy visit to the Shehu of Borno.



The Shehu of Borno expressed his heartfelt delight over the visit of the Nuncio, stating that despite the security challenges faced in the state, he could also visit. He, however, assured the Pope’s representative of his support to the Church in Maiduguri and for lasting peace between both religion.



The Nuncio on his part, thanked the Shehu of Borno for the kind gesture shown to him and for the hospitality granted.


As sign of love and peace, Archbishop Filipazzi presented a medal to the Shehu on behalf of the Holy Father, Pope Francis over his endless support to the church in Maiduguri.



The Nuncio later presided over the Holy Mass in the new Catholic Cathedral in Maiduguri and thanked the Bishop of Maiduguri for inviting him. He said; “the Holy Father extend his greetings to the people of Maiduguri Diocese”.



In same vein, he appreciated the Augustinian Fathers from Ireland who brought about the existence of the Catholic Diocese of Maiduguri.



The new Cathedral of St. Patrick was later dedicated with the rite of dedication such as the anointing of the walls with Sacred Chrism, Incensing, lighting of candles before the Eucharistic celebration.



Meanwhile, some notable dignitaries who have been of immense support to the promotion of the gospel in Maiduguri were honoured and invested with Papal Knighthood , (the knight of St. Sylvester by His Lordship Most Rev. Hilary Nanman Dachelem. Those honoured includes; Hon. Peter Biye Gumitha, Dr. Joseph Jatau, Dr. Francis Zirra, Major Gen John Samuel Nzarwa (Rtd), Brig. Gen Sunday Igbindmuanhia. Papal Medal was also awarded to Sir & Lady Charles Solomon Guary ( Papal knight).




While presenting a brief history of the Cathedral Church, the Cathedral Administrator, Very Rev. Fr. Dr. John Bogna Bakeni went down memory lane beginning from its 1st, 2nd,3rd and present stages and thanked all who contributed to the building of the church.



In his words of appreciation, the Vicar General of the Diocese, thanked all who spared out time to attend the ceremony and made resources available in ensuring the Cathedral got to its present stage. He prayed God to bless them and grant them journey mercies to their various destination.




Most Rev. Oliver was filled with an overwhelming joy, thanked all who took out time to attend the ceremony and prayed that the blessings of God never depart from them.

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