One year after battling brain injury, Rev. Fr. Stephen Ekakabor takes a bow, joins the saints

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…Tributes, eulogies, encomiums poured, even as bishop, priests, faithful mourns
 By Godwin Utuedoye,

 VERY Rev. Fr. Stephen Ekakabor who has been battling  with a brain injury he sustained from armed robbers attack in 2017, has finally bowed down to the cold hands of death and joined the league of saints One year after.
The news of his death was said to have been received with sadness by the bishop of the Catholic diocese of  Warri, Most Rev. John Afareha and the entire presbyterate of Warri diocese as well as the faithful.
Meanwhile, since the news of his demise, tributes, eulogiess, testimonies of good works and holy life lived has continued to poured in as many described him as a true servant of God.
The late Father Stephen Ekakabor was said to have joined the league of saints in the night of August 23, 2018 after battling with brain injury he sustained a year ago when men of the under world attacked him at St. Joseph Catholic Parish, Okpare-Olomu where he was the parish priest, and hitting him in the forehead with a battle axe.
Rev. Fr. Ekakabor who miraculously survived the attack after several medical efforts at different hospitals including Teaching hospitals, has been in residence at St. Felix Catholic Church, Oghara after he was discharged.
Considering the proximity of St. Felix parish to the Teaching Hospital Oghara, Most Rev. John Afareha saddled Very Rev. Fr. Philip Ejopharuphen with the responsibility of ensuring a proper medical care was given to the rare gem whom many described as a selfless priest who have nurtured and tutored many and inspired many into the Catholic priesthood.
Missionary Newspaper can confidently report that, while in residence at Oghara, the diocesan bishop through the parish priest of St. Felix Oghara, Very Rev. Fr. Philip Ejopharuphen and the entire presbyters of Warri diocese gave the priest the best desired care as they always remembered him in their prayers, staying by him and showing him love in the spirit of brotherhood they shared.
Since the news of his demise, the social media has been awatched with tributes and encomiums for the foremost charismatic priest who was described as a man who served humanity and God faithfully.
Ordained December 31, 1972, Very Rev. Fr. Stephen Ekakabor served in all the nooks and crannies of the diocese of Warri including the present day Bomadi diocese.
He is known for his selfless service and charitable nature which made both the young and the old loved him.
Late Rev. Fr. Stephen Ekakabor who traverse the lenght and breadth of the diocese until his unfortunate ordeal, served the Christ faithful of St. Joseph Parish, Okpare-Olomu committedly until the robbers invaded his parish that faithful night and hit his forehead with a battle axe and other weapons living him in the pool of blood until help came his way, but he was to later entered into coma for weeks.
Though his attackers were later apprehended by the police but it was gathered that the late priest forgave them before his death. He will be missed by the entire faithful, priests and religious of the diocese of Warri.
The late Rev. Fr. Stephen Ekakabor celebrated his 73rd birthday in 2017.

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