Nigeria: Sheep without a Shepherd 

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By Rev. Fr.  Jude Igho, St. Michael Parish Umutu, Delta State,


THE Apostles of Jesus worked so hard in evangelising the people to the extent of paying less attention to their stomach, and on reporting to their master Jesus what they have done, he invited them to rest a while in order to be refreshed for the task ahead. 


No doubt, good leaders with selfless ambitions will definitely and always be sort for by those who value and knew their worth. It is so, especially in a world where all forms of leadership have emerged; good and bad alike. No wonder we were told that so many people followed the apostles.


On seeing them, Jesus had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd, thus he gave them a guide and direction by teaching them so many things,  Mark 6:30-34.


The desire of the people for a good Shepherd calls for a reflection of their state of life. A state that was characterized with disenchantment from spiritual to material things coupled with the vicissitude of life that  aggravated their fears and worries. Little wonder Jesus gave them succour by his fatherly care and teachings. He made himself available to them despite the stressed he had passed through with his disciples before their arrival.


For this was the reason he has come. To give his life as a ransom for many, Matt.20: 28. If there is no sheep, who will the shepherd direct? So there is a shepherd because there are sheep.


Therefore, the well being of the sheep is very important to the shepherd, and the need to pay attention to the sheep is, and should be of paramount interest to the shepherd who is a guide and leader. The power and authority to lead the flock is entrusted to the shepherd for good and, this includes the authority over unclean spirits; to cast them out, and to heal every disease and infirmity, Matt.10:1-7.


The Apostles were mandated to preach, saying ” the kingdom of God is at hand “. They received without pay so they should give without pay, meaning they should be detached from whatever that will be inimical to their mission.


Over time, like we have in the Old Testament in the days of the prophets, God called and continue to call and choose many other shepherds to continue the work of the apostles. This is at different levels and capacity, Family, Church, Community and Nations. While some did well and still doing well, some concentrated in themselves and still oppressive thereby deceiving those entrusted to them with all manners of lies and tricks in addition to the fake promises they make.


Some even make life unbearable through exploitation, extortion, and instilling fear in the minds of the people to the extent that they are now  scattered and dejected making them to turn to else where for better shepherd.


This corrupt practises of some shepherds in the past did not go unpunished, for example Jeremiah 23: 1- 6.


This sorry state of the sheep has not changed  in our present time especially in our country if not worse. This could be seen in every facets of our life today, be it social, religious, economic or political  especially in our country Nigeria. A situation where many are bemused and have lost hope in the entire system as successive leaders have failed to do things rightly. Some have resolved to take their lives in their hands while some are helpless and know not what to do. But some others especially some youth have taken to crime all in a way to get out of this pitiable state.


At any rate, we should not be down cast but rather be like those who followed Jesus and his disciples on foot for solution to the countless challenges in life especially leadership. Instead of cutting short corners to get solution to our problems by life of sycophancy, bribery, cheating, stealing, killing to get power and all sorts of corruption, we should be steadfast and run to Jesus who indeed is the good shepherd who does  not leave his flock unattended, Psalm 23.


Let us continue to search for shepherds with the spirit of discernment who like Jesus, are selfless in their duties and working for Justice and peace even as the 2019 election get closer.

The interest of the flock comes first in their heart  and so, do not take joy  in their discomfort or vindictive in their leadership style. In this, the church has a great role to play in the quest by the sheep for a good shepherd. The church must remain the voice of the voiceless within and outside the church by doing more in the unfolding drama of a democracy that has lost its way.


And through that, will play the role of the good shepherd to our people who are currently suffering and experiencing pains of oppression and dehumanisation like sheep without a shepherd.

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