Nigeria Politics: When shall we get it right

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 IT is often said that mistakes are corrected when they are discovered, and no doubt, we know as a nation that we have made some mistakes in the past especially since independence.
The same strong zeal we had, to fight for independence is not the same we have today in our governance, hence our nation is not growing at the rate and way it should be, but rather bedevilled with insecurity, corruption and poverty. It is sad especially bearing in mind that we are blessed as a nation with abundant human and natural resources. Our challenges  are enormous that they stern  at us. So we have all become critics of our situation without providing and working as a team for an alternative solutions to get things right.
The difficulties we have in governance today is not that we don’t really know our problems rather our unwillingness and inability to do the right thing because of our selfishness and greed. Otherwise, how come those who criticised past administration vehemently  get into power and fail to lead well and even become worse off than those they criticised?  Does this not raise a question of sincerity of their intention to become leaders?
There are wonderful ideas, proposed policies and manifestos on how to govern Nigeria by politicians and non politicians. Many believed that bad and undedicated leaders is the central point of most of our problem . But how many Nigerians participate in voting for new and better leaders to lead us well? How many are card carrying members of our various political parties especially Catholics?  Is it not the case that we have left the task to few individuals who have changed the meaning of Democracy to self service? When such persons get their way into leadership with their collaborators, they do what pleases them and while  their supporters serve their whims and caprices we will still complain of their poor performance .
Many of those who can provide quality and progressive leadership especially on the local level do not participate for different reasons ranging from fear, wrong impression on politics as a dirty game, lack of finance to run for an elective positions, lack of God-father and conflict of interest . The indifferent disposition of some Nigerians to participate actively in politics has also led to the emergence of bad leaders. Yet we all participate in criticism  forgetting that criticism without concrete positive action can not change the ‘status quo’.Thus leadership is in the hands of some illiterate, touts, cultists, criminals or looters and greedy people. So how can such persons work for the common good if nothing fast is done to avert this trend? Therefore, it is high time we act what we preach from our leaders to the followers. Though we talked about our problems but not ready to do things right. This is where we need to shun vices such as lies, cheating, exploitation, hatred, election rigging, thuggery and killing. We should also avoid giving unmerited honor and respect to those who get their wealth through ill and bad means. By this, those found wanting in one offence or another especially in governance should be made to face the wrath of the law ( held accountable) from the local to the national level without sacred cows.
Furthermore, we will get it right when we are sincere to ourselves and can tell ourselves the truth without pretending  for fear or favour. Besides, Just as the law now gives room for the younger ones to contest for elective postions, so it should allow for a level play  ground for them to practice their politics. The idea of giving election results to those who have money to throw about should be discouraged.
Similarly, we should also be sincere in the implementation of good governance so that the burden is not only on the ruling party but also on the opposition parties through conducting a free and fair election in their domains. Then all Nigerians should live by example and shun any form of collaboration with the political class to rig election, impose unpopular candidates and seek for personal favour or gratification instead of working out policies and programs that will benefit all.
Conclusively, until Nigerians realised they are stakeholdres in the nation development, we all will continue ‘Day Dreaming’ and having false hopes of our dreams as regard national development.

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