Most Rev. Isizor calls on SIGNIS Nigeria, Catholic media practitioners to project Nigeria image positively

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By Godwin Utuedoye,


Calls for less reliance on foreign grants



Most Rev. Dennis Isizoh, auxiliary bishop of  Onitsha archdiocese and chairman of Communications, Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria has issued a strong challenge to Catholic media practitioners in Nigeria to seek ways of projecting positively the nation’s dwindling image which he said has always been misrepresented by foreign media.




Bishop Isizor gave this charge recently when he receive a high level delegation of SIGNIS Nigeria during a courtesy visit at his official residence at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Aguleri, Anambra State.



According to him, this has become necessary in view of the fact that the positive sides of the country are often misrepresented by the international media, thereby creating the impression that there were little or nothing positive to celebrate in the country.




Specifically, he cited several cases of Catholics living out their faith even in war- torn areas of the country, refusing to renounce their faith in Christ despite suffering cruel persecutions in the hands of their oppressors. Such heroic feats, Bishop Isizor averred, are part of several other exemplary stories that should be projected to the world as worthy of emulation by other Christians.




While commending the officials of SIGNIS Nigeria for the initiative of interacting with major stakeholders across the country, the Bishop pledged his support behind the idea of producing a mega film as proposed by the executives, saying such will shed more light into the challenges, exploits and victories being experienced by Christians in the country in their everyday lives.



On the need for enhanced professionalism amongst members of SIGNIS in the country, Bishop Isizor advocated for regular training and refresher courses on communications to horn their competence and equip them with the right knowledge to function better in these changing times.




The Bishop took time to lead the delegation on a tour of the famous Venerable Cyprian Tansi’s parish, also called for a proper monitoring of grants received by the various dioceses to ensure that the projects approved are meticulously executed.



Bishop Isizor who treated his guests to a breakfast meeting, hinted on the need to facilitate a meeting with the executives of the various arms of SIGNIS in order to better streamline their operations for more purposeful results. He equally stressed on the need for the Nigerian Church to reduce its over-reliance on foreign grants and aids and be more self-sufficient.

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