Good meals keeps the family together Fr. Okpowodu stresses as CWO holds 11th edition of cooking competition

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OLEH– The Editor-In- Chief of the Messenger of Peace Magazine and Missionary Newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Warri, Rev. Fr. Thaddeus Okpowodu has stressed that just as prayer keeps the family in one, good meals can as well bring the family together.
Delivering a homily at St. John De Baptist Catholic Church Oleh during the 11th edition of the Catholic Women Organisation CWO, cooking competition hosted by the Oleh Episcopal Region, Fr. Okpowodu admonished all mothers to be up and doing in performing their domestics roles and in the process tansfer same unto their children.
He also called on parents to preserve the Catholic faith and inculcate the doctrine into their children and wards so that the faith can be transmitted from one generation to another.  He said prayers such as that of the Block Rosary Crusade, Blue Army, Legion of Mary and other Pious Societies of the Church Catholic faith and teachings could be built in the hearts of the children and as such, he advised parents to always endeared their children to join and attend activities of the Church. He also stressed that the cooking competition which was introduced by the Messenger of Peace Magazine and co-hosted by the CWO every year, was not an avenue for merry making or fundraising but rather to highlight the importance of good food in the family. He noted that just as prayers can keep family together, good meals also can bring the family together especially the men. He thanked the executive of the CWO for their consistency and supports so far in ensuring the competition continues.
The women from the different deaneries, regions and parishes were led by the diocesan president of the CWO, Lady Victory Oghenechovwen LSM, to begin the ceremony which commenced with the holy Mass officiated by the Episcopal Vicar and Dean of Oleh deanery, Rev. Fr. Dr. Stephen Ogheneovo and joined by Rev. Fr. Thaddeus Okpowodu.
The ceremony features a lecture titled; “Mothers Kitchen, Oasis for the family” delivered by Chief (Mrs.) Victoria Djowah. In it she x-rayed the important role mothers plays in the kitchen and emphasized on the reasons why all mothers should be creative and innovative in catering for the family especially through the kitchen. The guest lecturer advised mothers to be productive, helpful to themselves by planting vegetables like okra, pumpkin leaf, pepper or bitter leaf around their home consumption for personal usage.
The high point of the ceremony was the presentation of gifts to the contestants with Princess Mary Uyo of Holy Trinity Catholic Church Ozoro as the overall winner representing Ozoro deanery while Okpara deanery came 2nd with Corpus Christi parish Obiaruku representing Obiaruku deanery emerging 3rd.
There were consolation prizes also presented to all the contestant.

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