Good Governance, panacea to nation’s challenges, Bishop Afareha stresses, … JDPC holds conference

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Godwin Utuedoye,


UGHELLI- Missionary Newspaper- Catholic Bishop of Warri Diocese, Most Rev. John Oke’Oghene Afareha has stated that Good Governance is the only way forward to conquering the nation’s present security and economic quagmire.


Most Rev. Afareha made the call on Saturday, June 30, 2018 at Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Ughelli during a key note address he presented at the maiden conference of the Justice, Development, Peace and Caritas Commission JDPC, Warri Diocese on Good Governance where he charged Nigerians to be honest, faithful, law abiding and patriotic citizens.


The conference with the theme ” Good Governance and the Nigerian State”, attracted dignitaries from all walks of lives including the Executive Governor of Delta State, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa represented by the Chief of Staff, Government House, Hon. Tam Brisibe, Royal Fathers from different Kingdoms in the state including his HRM’s, Oharisi III Ovie of Ughelli Kingdom, Odionlogbo of Oleh Kingdom, Orodje of Okpe-Kingdom and Traditional Chiefs.

The conference was chaired by Okakuro,T.J.O. Okpoko, SAN among other notable priests, religious and clergymen from other denominations including the Anglican Bishop of Oleh Diocese and others.


In his welcome speech, the Director of JDPC in the diocese, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Obadjere thanked participants and guest lecturers for attending the conference, noting that as the 2019 general election comes closer, it is pertinent to keep the electorate abreast with what they should know and do and so ensure that a corrupt, free, fair and credible election is held in a peaceful violence-free atmosphere. Rev. Fr. Obadjere thanked all those that have supported the JDPC commission to ensure the conference is successful especially the bishop, Most Rev. John Afareha and other notable persons.


The conference featured a key note address delivered by the Catholic Bishop of Warri Diocese, Most Rev. John Oke’Oghene Afareha, followed by two other lectures delivered by two notable Nigerians, Chief General (Rtd.) Alexander Ogomudia and Professor G.G Darah on ‘Election and Security concerns in Nigeria’ and Ensuring a corrupt free electoral process in Nigeria.


In his keynote address, the bishop who took time to enumerate the different challenges compounding the Nigerian society, noted that the church has always sought justice as God is a God of Justice. Maintaining that justice is built on two major foundations which includes value and dignity of persons and the value and dignity of all God creatures.


The bishop reiterated need to respect every person’s dignity and value and that justice is only sustained by discovery of the value of the other person. He adds that, the second foundation of justice is interdependency and solidarity. He stressed that all humanity and indeed the whole of creation constitutes one body and as such, God created man and endowed him with ability to develop himself and the environment out of the love God had for humanity.


Citing Pope Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum , promulgated in May 15, 1891 and others, the bishop said; the church has always been concerned about issues of justice, development and peace. He added that the formation of the JDPC in January

6th, 1967 is to champion the advocacy of good governance, justice and development around the world and and in Nigeria. He affirmed that through this conference, the commission’s avowed mission of development and contribution to good governance in Nigeria will be laid bare.


Continuing the bishop asserted; that the phenomenon of underdevelopment is tied to bad leadership, and stressed that political leaders are not the only guilty party in the retrogression of Nigeria, but both the leaders and the led are complicit in the underdevelopment issue, because they tolerate bad leadership, celebrate mediocre leaders and applaud those who mis-govern and help perpetuate such in office.


Most Rev. Afareha whose keynote address arrested all participants attention, however summited that; Nigeria being the most populous country in Africa, leadership has been its bane. In his words, “Africa will get it right once Nigeria gets it right, because Nigeria is in the forefront in almost everything in Africa.”


“Immediately Nigeria got Independence, other African countries struggled for Independence and the moment the first coup took place in Nigeria, other African countries imitated us”. He said Nigeria is not alone in the struggle of poor leadership and bad governance but it cuts across. The bishop, however, restated and assured of the church’s readiness to cooperate with the state for the good of the people.


On his part, Professor G. G. Darah, also a guest speaker at the conference, opined that the church is a bastion of justice and truth and that she has contributed to the growth and development of the country immensely beginning from the colonial era. He congratulated the Catholic Church for her timely intervention in educating the citizens and taking the bold and courageous step to hold such an inspiring conference on ‘Good Governance’. He said all over the world, the Catholic church has through her Liberatarian Theology fought and defeated so many oppressive and unjustifiable rules and so optimistic that through the church’s voice, the Nigerian situation can be good again.


Speaking on corruption, the erudite professor indicts the government of its inherent failures and dissappointments in terms of good governance. He used the National Population Commission as a reference and disclosed that since 1963 till date, the population of Nigeria has never been gotten right. A problem he said always arises as a result of corruption, insincerity and fraud. He said corruption begins from such areas and charged the church to speak out in a loud voice so that the population of the country can be known.


Meanwhile, General Alexander Ogomudia in his lecture averred that any nation or leader who truly wants to serve the people in honesty, needs not to kill the people during election or electioneering campaign to serve them. He also said intolerance and lack of trust, confidence in other ethnic nationalities or religions also contribute to the incessant crisis that have claimed thousands of lives in Nigeria.


He called on the government to be up and doing and ensure peace and stability is returned to the country.

While congratulating and thanking the Catholic Church for the proactive steps and initiative, the Delta State Governor, Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa represented by the chief of staff, government house, Hon. Tam Brisibe noted that Good Governance as a concept, its not for only government elected officials but it is a concept that is critical to the survival of everyone. He appealed for the cooperation of all citizens at all level to ensure the nation come out of her challenges especially the security challenges bedevilling the nation presently.


The conference which is the first of its kind in the diocese of Warri was highly appreciated by participants as it was considered timely, appropriate and educative especially as the 2019 general elections get closer.


The conference also featured beautiful song rendition by the Regional Choir of the Ughelli Episcopal Region of the Catholic Diocese of Warri.

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