Akubeze urges newly ordained auxiliary bishop to exercise ministry under diocesan bishop

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By Godwin Utuedoye,

First Auxiliary Bishop Ordained for Port-
Harcourt Diocese
PORT-HARCOURT, RIVER STATE NIGERIA:- His Grace, Most Rev’d Augustine Obiora Akubeze, President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN), has advised the newly ordained auxiliary bishop of Port-Harcourt, Most Rev. Patrick Eluke to exercise his episcopal ministry under plans of his diocesan bishop, adding that the Catholic Diocese of Port-Harcourt has made ecclesiastical history with the ordination of its first auxiliary bishop.
The CBCN President gave the remark in his address during the Episcopal Ordination of Most Rev. Patrick Eluke at the Corpus Christi Cathedral Port-Harcourt.
While congratulating the bishop of Port-Harcourt diocese, Most Rev. Camillus Archibong Etokudoh, the Priests, Religious and the entire lay faithful of Port-Harcourt diocese for prayers answered, noting that “the faithful now have an additional bishop to help in the administration of the sacraments and in the teaching of the faith”.
He prayed that the new appointment will lead to the growth of the faith in Port-Harcourt Diocese.
Archbishop Akubeze also used the occasion to clarify the process and procedures in the appointment of Bishops. According to him, “we must always keep in mind that the Holy Father freely appoints who he wants as a Bishop.
The Holy Father obviously carries out this important work of appointment with assistance from some other authorities. This is why we need to be very grateful to the Apostolic Nuncio to Nigeria, Most Rev. Antonio Filipazzi. He has the responsibility of ensuring that only candidates who are suitable are recommended to the Holy Father for appointment”; he stated.
The CBCN President who is also the Archbishop of Benin City, while welcoming  the new Auxiliary Bishop of Port-Harcourt into the College of Bishops, he advised him on the need to exercise his ministry under the authority of his diocesan Bishop. “You are therefore called to ensure that you work in accordance with his mind and in accordance with his pastoral plan. The faithful of Port-Harcourt is not entrusted to your care but to the care of Bishop Etokudoh, the Church envisages that he will grant you the necessary latitude to exercise your episcopal ministry with the dignity and respect under his care.” He advised
The Ordination ceremony  which was conducted by the Papal Nuncio to Nigeria, Most Rev. Antonio Guido Filipazzi had over 45 bishops in attendance.
Top government functionaries including the Deputy Governor of Rivers State, Her Excellency Ipalibo Gogo Banigo and other well wishers witnesses the episcopal ordination of Bishop Patrick Eluke.

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