Democracy  of Lawlessness in Nigeria: 2019 Election in view

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Written by Rev. Fr. Jude Igho, St. Michael Catholic Church Umutu, Delta State    



Nations colonised by the colonial masters for their selfish interest worked hard to gain their independence .

This is the case because such nations have no freedom of Governance that could lead to actualisation of their interest. Little wonder Nigeria like other nations  fought for her independence and successfuly gained it in 1960.

Democracy as often defined; is the government of the people, by the people and for the people. In otherwise, It is the government of people oriented to actualise their set goals.

It is in this light,the people choose their leaders while the leaders work for the interest of those who chose them.

Thus,  Jeremy Bentham a philosopher talked about the interest of the governed in his Utilitarian philosophy . He asserted that the government should work for the interest of the greatest number of the people . This is not without the constitution that guides and directs the affairs of the people.

The movement to independence was achieved through the introduction of one constitution after another. Hence  Nnamdi (2001;31), defined Nigeria constitutional development as ” a process whereby Nigeria  advanced politically  via the introduction of one constitution after another.

But what has been the experience in Nigeria since her independence ?  Is it not an experience of a step forward and two steps backward? It is so because it has been characterized with different constitutions, (1963 & 1979), with various amendments since it does not meet our expectations.

In addition is the different military intervention that did the nation no good. Besides, our plurality and ethnicity have not help matters either coupled with the amalgamation of the northern and southern protectorate in 1914.

Some who came to power thought less of the common good of the electorate and concentrated in themselves or at best their tribes men/ women.

While others used religion as a tool to dominate others and caused disaffection. The situation has not change even till date. The beauty of Democracy found in the separation of power of the executive, legislature and judiciary is no longer practice as it should be. Hence excessive power is displayed by some arms of the government as there are no proper checks and balance in the Democratic system of Government as it ought to be. No wonder the executive some time disobey court orders and invitation of some of her officers for clarification on some burning national issues, for example the incessant and unprovoked killings by Fulani Herdsmen, Boko Haram etc.

This in no distance time will lead to a fast break down of law and order in the nation if not corrected. Similarly, Rights of the citizens are no longer respected as some are enlisted as corrupt even before a competent court of law declared them to be corrupt.

The great insecurity in our land is also a pointer to the gross infringement on the fundamental human right to life. This has made some persons to do whatever they like. For instance the Boko Haram, Fulani herdsmen, kidnappers,  ritualists, public treasury looters etc. and walk away with such freely without arrest, prosecution or question.

But in all of these we hear statements and slogans like “We are fighting corruption”, “Change begins with me” when in actual fact we have not seen the positive change neither leadership by example. We are in a situation where the rate of unemployment and crime rate is on the increase because of insincerity of purpose of our leaders.

Is this not democracy of lawlessness where only those in power enjoy the country’s resources with fat salaries and allowances?. They travel abroad for medical check up when our health institutions are in comatose, not well equipped and health workers on strike.  For selfish interest, they fight themselves instead of fixing our country Nigeria that is a in a serious mess of insecurity and poverty.

2019 election is at the corner again, different political parties have started their usual insincere propaganda campaign. There are propaganda of achievement made so far and counter accusation by the major rival parties.

But the truth remain that nothing substantially has been done to affect the nation positively, rather more records of death and high level of poverty. Does this reflect democracy or autocracy? What will be our fate come 2019 when we shall vote again for those to lead us?

There is need for serious preparation for the 2019 general election. As Christians, we will pray fervently to God to help us conduct a free, fair and credible election devoid of killings as already experience in the just concluded APC Ward congress.

For we to get it right, it is our duty to get our permanent voter’s card, PVC which will be our weapon and power to vote the candidates of our choice who will work for the common good. We should also encourage and support those who can lead us well to participate in active politics. Male and female alike, young and not too old people who no longer have strong will to pilot the affairs of their family let alone our nation.

In the same vein, it is a clarion call to all of us not to sell our conscience for money which could put our future and country in jeopardy. Therefore, we need the spirit of discernment  in our choice of candidates for the 2019 election. Do not be deceived by the same  ‘old leaders’ who have brought and landed us (mess) where we are now jumping from one political party to another for their selfish interest. We should not be carried away as it happened in the last election clamouring for ‘change’ but rather vote for a positive change that will guarantee the security of our lives and properties, and our fundamental human rights in Nigeria.





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