Catholic Bishops condemn insecurity, violence, urge Nigerians to shun selling of votes

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By Godwin Utuedoye,



SOKOTO- CATHOLIC Bishops in  Nigeria have condemned the high spate of violence, insecurity and brutal killings of innocent citizens owing to religious, political differences or boundary disputes.




In a communique signed by the President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria, Archbishop Augustine Akubeze and the Secretary Most Rev. Camillus Umoh after their second plenary meeting held in Sokoto between September 6 to September 14. The bishops decried the slow response of government to issues of killings and violence in the different parts of the country which Catholic clerics view as an avenue for the perpetrators to go unpunished.





“We totally observed that Government is often slow in responding to violence and often allows many of the perpetrators of these heinous crimes to go unpunished, thus cresting a culture of impunity”.





The communique called on the federal government to put all machineries in place to defend the life and property of every Nigerian citizens. They further appeal to the federal government to assist all internally displaced persons in returning to their various homes and hand over their lands to them as quickly as possible.





On good governance, the bishops urged political office holders to provide better services for the citizenry irrespective of political, religious or ethnic background.




Adding that since the constitution of Nigeria allows the freedom of religion, Government should ensure that the rights of citizens and groups is respected and allowed to be practiced unhindered, maintaining that the rule of law and national development means equality of all  and seeks the protection of fundamental rights of every citizens, and also to guide against the abuse of power.




The communique also urged individuals, groups and governments to be submissive to the laws of the nation and allow the laws of the land guide them in all they do.



On the 2019 general election, the bishops noted that, there is a genuine need for repentance and sincere moral transformation on the part of our leaders and rejects any illegal practices of selling or buying of votes.



“We encourage all registered to ensure that they equipped themselves with their voter’s card, but reject and denounced the illegal selling and buying of votes”.



They also called on the federal government to fast track the unconditional release of the Dapchi Christian girl, Leah Sharibu who is still being held captive for refusing to denounced her Christian faith.



“We demand that the Federal Government ensure the safe release of the remaining Chibok Girls and other persons in captivity”.

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