Put Nigerians First, Archbishop Akubeze urges politicians, others

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By Godwin Utuedoye,


SOKOTO- MOST Rev. Augustine Obiora Akubeze, President of Catholic Bishop Conference of Nigeria CBCN, has charged politicians and other leaders in the society to always put Nigerians first before their personal and self-ambitions.





                             Some Bishops at the ongoing CBCN second

                                        plenary meeting in Sokoto






The Archbishop gave the charges when he presented his address to the laity during the second plenary session of the CBCN holding in Sokoto.




Addressing the lay faithful, Most Rev. Akubeze begins by appreciating their untiring contribution to the Church in Nigeria. In his words, ” We the Bishops, want to, through you the executives of the laity, reach out to all the lay faithful in Nigeria. We want to say thank you for the cooperation in the mission of the Church”.




       Archbishops and Bishops at the CBCN Conference 


Speaking further, the CBCN President affirmed that Nigeria is going through a serious period of challenges as the nation faces a stiff political uncertainty in many areas as some politicians even at the moment are still changing political platform to run for offices.




Reiterating the need for fairness, the Archbishop referred to a press statement issued by CBCN recently, in which they admonished all Nigerians to work for peace and justice. He said lasting peace and prosperity in Nigeria can only be built on justice and fairness in the structures of governance, adding that for sustainable peace to be achieved, every Nigerian must be made to feel that the Government is truly working for him or her.



The Catholic clergy maintained that all spheres of government, be it federal, state or local government level must ensure that they work for everyone while those feeling marginalisation by any part of the country must and should be eliminated.




He stated that development and greatness of a country truly begins when people ate to express their opinions freely and the leaders listening to the electorate. “You the laity must be active in the political spheres, the archbishop charges”. Encourage good Catholics to enter into politics and those in politics be encouraged to act peacefully and justly, he said.

Cross Section of Lay-Faithful at the CBCN Conference

                  holding in Sokoto





Stressing the work of the laity in the Church,  Archbishop Akubeze note, that they laity occupies important position in the life of the Church, as without the laity, there will be no bishop or priest. He disclosed further that the laity are not passive members of the Church; “We all, both lay and clergy, must always keep in in mind that the Church is not equal to the hierarchy, nor is it true to say the hierarchy is the Church”. The prelate however states that though, the hierarchy provides leadership for the Church, does not make them owned the Church.



“Be conscious that we are all equal in the Church, our functions are different but our dignity same; he stated.”



He said since everyone are baptised Children of God, they all share a common dignity and destiny as baptised Christians.





He admonished the lay faithful never to see their work in the diocese, deanery or parishes as working for the bishop or the priest but all of us working in God’s vineyard for God’s people. He adds that the lay faithful work is not assisting the bishop or the priest in their work but simply doing their own work in the vineyard of God, noting that the vineyard is not owned by the clergy, it belongs to the Lord.




He commended the lay faithful for using their resources, time and talents in working for the Church and urged them not to relent in working for the Lord.

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